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Ontario airport noise level map to shrink


LAWA expects to submit its report to the FAA in November.

A Web page was established at for residents to get more information. There is also a toll-free phone line at 855-279-4698 for providing comments related to the project.

A workshop will be held March 19, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at ONT Administration offices, 1923 E. Avion Street.

ONTARIO >> New standards for aircraft and a decrease in activity at L.A./Ontario International Airport will result in 800 surrounding homes losing funding eligibility for sound insulation assistance.

Los Angeles World Airports, the agency that runs ONT as well as Los Angeles International Airport, released a draft map this week which will show the current sphere around the airport that is exposed to higher than normal aircraft noise levels has shrunk.

Members of the public will have their first chance to discuss those proposed changes at a workshop on March 19.

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Earlier this month, members of the Ontario International Airport Authority blasted the airport agency’s plan to reduce the contours on the noise exposure map. Alan Wapner, president of the authority, said it was his understanding that was going to shift ONT funds to cities near LAX that have sued for noise-related issues.

“The message it sends from L.A. is that we have reached our cap at 4 million passengers. We’re not anticipating increasing, therefore, is no reason to have such large contours,” Wapner said.

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LAWA initiated the process to update the noise exposure map when it was informed by the Federal Aviation Authority that Ontario’s Quiet Home Program would no longer be eligible for funding until there was an update, said Maria Tesoro-Fermin, ONT’s spokeswoman.

It has been 25 years since the map update, and it no longer reflects the noise conditions around the airport. Since 2008, there has been a decline in aircraft operations.

“LAWA cannot use grants given for noise abatement or mitigation at ONT to fund settlements or noise reduction at LAX,” Tesoro-Fermin said this week in response to the claims.

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Since the start of the Ontario Quiet Homes Program in the early 90s, $128 million has been provided by the FAA and LAWA. Of that, the FAA funded nearly $80 million while LAWA has contributed more than $48 million to help sound insulate homes and acquire incompatible properties as part of this Program.

A total of 1,429 homes have been sound insulated, and 316 properties have been acquired in Ontario, Tesoro-Fermin said.

The change is not based on passenger activity but aircraft operations, the type of planes as well “information obtained from industry stakeholders about the airport’s future plans, and other airport operations information to develop noise contour maps that properly represent current and future conditions,” she said.


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