Anybody with information about Sahray Barber’s whereabouts is asked to call Detective Dan Han at 909-384-5623 or the detective's bureau at 909-384-5615.

About 300 friends, family members and fellow students huddled outside an art-institute library Friday night for a solemn and emotional candlelight vigil in honor of a missing 22-year-old San Bernardino woman.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
They prayed for the return of Sahray Astina Barber, missing since Monday when her cellphone and laptop mysteriously were found in bushes near her apartment across the street from Cal State San Bernardino.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
They spoke of her independent, free spirit, her infectious laugh, and the green cape she routinely wore while working in the library at the Art Institute of California – Inland Empire, a school just off I-10 in San Bernardino where she also has been studying graphic design.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
And they burned candles until they drowned the paper rings girdling them.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
“This is not the easiest of times,” said her father, Stephen Barber, choking back tears. “I can’t think of a day in my life that was worse than last Monday.”googleoff: allgoogleon: all
But Stephen Barber said he refused to give up hope and chose to focus on his daughter’s qualities.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
“At age 22, Sahray still calls me Daddy, and it still melts my heart,” he said.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
Barber thanked the San Bernardino Police Department for an “impeccable” response to “this crisis.”googleoff: allgoogleon: all
Police searched for a fifth straight day for signs of the 22-year-old woman but, as of Friday night, she had not been located.googleoff: all
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“The search (Friday) continues in several focus areas and we also will be looking closely at all of the forensic evidence,” San Bernardino police Lt. Rich Lawhead said by email.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
Details were not disclosed.googleoff: all
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“We are using as much of the daylight as possible to search,” Lawhead said. “We don't have anything specific that we are looking for other than we are looking for any kind of physical evidence in this case.”googleoff: allgoogleon: all
Barber disappeared early Monday.googleoff: all
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Police said Barber’s laptop and cellphone were found in bushes near a gate of her 212-unit apartment complex, but there were no signs of foul play. And no one reported hearing or seeing anything amiss.googleoff: allgoogleon: all
But with her disappearance coming one day after an attempted kidnapping near the Cal State San Bernardino library, police leaped into action. Since Monday, multiple agencies have scoured the area on horseback and off-road vehicle. They brought a helicopter in to survey from above. And they brought in a bloodhound to sniff from below.