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Highland > LA Fitness thefts solved


Highland Detectives Arrest a San Bernardino Man for Thefts at Numerous LA Fitness Locations


For the past two months, Highland detectives have been investigating numerous thefts from the locker room at the LA Fitness Gym in Highland. Several victims have had their personal items stolen out of their lockers while they were working out. Through the cooperation and keen observation skills of a gym staff member, a suspect vehicle was identified after a recent theft.

Through their investigation, detectives identified Victor Cuevas, 35, of San Bernardino as the suspect responsible for the thefts.

“It was found that Cuevas would enter unlocked lockers, or he would cut locks off of the lockers and steal personal items from these lockers,” according to Detective Don Patton.

A search warrant was served at Cuevas’ home in San Bernardino, where stolen property was located; linking him to several thefts from various LA Fitness Clubs in Riverside County, LA County, and throughout the Inland Empire, investigator said. Detectives are contacting victims to return their property to them.

Cuevas was arrested and booked at the West Valley Detention Center, and is being held in lieu of $50,000 bail. Anyone with any information on Cuevas, or anyone who may have been a victim is asked to contact Highland Police detectives.

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