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Apple Valley Ranchos Water Ends Drought Surcharges

(Apple Valley) —Apple Valley Ranchos recently announced at the Apple Valley Town Council Meeting that effective November 1, customers will no longer incur a drought surcharge on their bills for exceeding the drought allotment.

“Since we instituted drought surcharges this summer we have been carefully monitoring the progress on conservation necessary to meet the state-imposed 28 percent cumulative target,” said Leigh Jordan, executive vice president, Apple Valley Ranchos. “Now we believe we can remove the drought surcharge as long as

our customers keep practicing good conservation through the winter months as well.”

At the August 25 Town Council Meeting Jordan told the Town Council that Ranchos went to Stage 2 with drought surcharges, because they anticipated having trouble catching-up if they fell behind on conservation targets over the summer. Jordan also explained that Ranchos knew it could revert back to Stage 1 if customers conserved in such a way to meet the conservation target.

“Many factors contributed to this decision but most all of our customers are to be commended for making changes in their lifestyle and doing their part to conserve,” Jordan said.

Based on the latest comparison to October of 2013, data gathered and analyzed this morning, Ranchos plans to revert to Stage 1 based on:

1) The progress achieved by going directly to Stage 2 for the summer months to achieve water conservation in excess of the target, so that the lower levels of conservation which are achievable in the winter will still allow us to meet the target;

2) The fact that the CPUC is proposing to take the conservation target into account in setting our rates means the proposed new rates for water service will encourage continued conservation;

3) And the expectation that our customers will continue efforts to conserve.

Ranchos still needs to achieve reductions from 2013 over the remaining fall and winter months of about 17 to -18 percent to meet the cumulative target.

Ranchos will continue to monitor conservation and will have to go back to Stage 2 and implement drought surcharges if it looks like the conservation targets will not be met.

With cooler fall temperatures and rain forecasted to begin soon, many people are turning off their sprinkler systems, which will be a big help in achieving the remaining reductions.

About Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company Apple Valley Ranchos Water Co. delivers reliable, quality water service to about 63,000 people, in the Town of Apple Valley and parts of San Bernardino County.

Ranchos Water is a subsidiary of Park Water Co., based in Los Angeles County, which provides contracted and regulated water utility services serving several communities in Los Angeles County. In addition to Ranchos Water, Park Water owns Mountain Water Co. serving Missoula, Montana Park Water and its subsidiaries provide safe, reliable drinking water service to approximately 300,000 people.

Additional information about Ranchos Water can be found by visiting or

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