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The PACK Coalition- “Positive Alternative Choices for Kids”

(Victor Valley)–We are happy to announce the formation of “The Pack Coalition” of the High Desert! P.A.C.K stands for “Positive Alternative Choices for Kids” It is a concerned group of high desert men and women who are business professionals, educators, elected officials, from other positive organizations whose mission is to inspire, educate, and promote positive choices.

The P.A.C.K Coalition will be hosting a “MomMob Student Greeting Activity” at Adelanto High School 15620 Joshua Rd. Adelanto, CA 92301 on November 16, 2015 at 7:00AM. The purpose is for our coalition women to greet students while inspiring and encouraging them to stay in school, do their best and know that they have a great support system that will help them in the process. We believe it is important that the students know that the community cares about them and their education.

“The P.A.C.K” Coalition will be the steering group for the “MomMob Committee” and will look at other areas and ways to enhance, enrich and to improve our children’s lives.

Although, this will be our first activity we invite all women to join in this effort so that we can reach every high school student in the high desert.

MomMob Committee Contacts: Co-Chair, Cari Thomas Co- Chair, Lorrie Denson

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