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Pearl Crump Day planned


A small but energetic loosely organized as the Pearl Crump Day Committee under the guidance of Highland Volunteer Coordinator Denice Moreno, met Thursday, Sept. 1, to set a date for the observance and plan for additional activities, including a project for the date and providing books to students in Highland schools.

The date established was Oct. 15, which coincides with Day of Service and the regular Highland Improvement Team cleanup project.

Representatives of the city, the Highland Police Department, the Rotary Club, the Kiwanis Club, the Woman’s Club, and schools participated and chose the date.

The group also selected a book by local author Margaret Hill: “From Sharecropping to Non-Stopping,” written with help from Anne Viricel and depicting Hill’s life, from the fields to a scholastic doctorate and leadership in education as teacher, principal and assistant superintendent.

The gift is meant to inspire lucky recipients by the story of rising from poverty to success through hard work.

One student from each of eight local schools will be selected for the honor.

There will be more information about the day as the committee firms up details.

Pearl Crump became a member of the Highland Citizens on Patrol in 1990, and her husband served as commander of the group.

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