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Are you being ripped off at the gas pump?


Drivers may be getting hosed at the gas pump — and not just by high gasoline prices

Faulty gas pumps and unscrupulous station owners could be costing consumers lots of money, and officials in County say they are on the lookout for these cheats.

The division inspects all gas stations in the county The county inspects pumps

Gas pumps will fail if the flow of fuel doesn't match the gauge, if the pump has a leaky hose or incorrectly calculates the price. Gas stations can face $100 fines for each violation.

A sticker is placed on pumps that fail inspection, and they cannot be used until repairs are made. Once repaired, the pumps have to be reinspected.

Consumer tips

Always should get a receipt after buying gasoline. Consumers also are urged to watch the transaction to ensure the price gauge has been reset, and the requested type of gas and correct amount are served.

To make sure you get what you pay for at the pump:

• Look for the decal indicating that the gasoline pumps have been tested by the Division of Weights and Measures.

• Make sure the price advertised on street and pump signs matches price on pump itself.

• If the gas station charges more for credit card purchases, make sure you haven't been charged an inflated price for cash.

• Make sure attendant reset the pump to zero before filling your tank.

• Make sure the pump does not indicate that it has pumped more gasoline than your car's tank can hold.

• Check that the total number of gallons you received corresponds with the total price you have been charged.

• Make sure the price the attendant says you owe matches the total sale price on the pump.

• Check that the number of gallons, price per gallon and total sale amount are printed on any credit receipts, and always check your receipt against your credit card statement.

• If your car starts pinging and bucking after you have filled up, especially with premium, the station may be selling gasoline with a lower octane rating than is stated on the pump.

• Watch as the attendant swipes your credit card to make sure it's not done twice.

Aside from retail gas pump accuracy, officials said drivers can take steps to ensure that they get the most out of their gas budget this summer.

According to studies, the gasoline savings from safe, moderate driving can be substantial. Some of the basics are:

• Observe the posted speed limit because fuel efficiency drops greatly at higher speeds.

• Keep a safe following distance because passing, weaving and tailgating all involve needless accelerating and braking, which wastes gas.

• Avoid jackrabbit starts because accelerating gradually is more fuel efficient.

Idling is another major source of fuel waste. After just 15 seconds, an idling car uses more gas than shutting off the engine and restarting it. Idling for more than three minutes when not in traffic is also against the law in New Jersey because it affects local air quality, especially in school zones.

Avoid "miracle" fuel additives and gadgets. The Federal Trade Commission has studied dozens of these products and concluded that none of them work. Some may cause engine damage or contribute to decreased fuel efficiency.

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